Friday, January 30, 2009

Dead Man's Bones

My friends Seth and Hunter and I meet up on Friday mornings to catch up, share how we're doing, and pray for each other. It's been a great time for me personally, and for a number of reasons.

1. Prayer is good (especially outside of church) and this group helps me remember that.
2. Sometimes Seth makes coffee and I like the creamer he buys.
3. We almost always talk about and listen to new music. Today was no different.

In regards to #3, I want to pass something along that Seth shared with me today.

Have you seen The Notebook? What about Half Nelson? Definitely Remember the Titans.

The common theme? Ryan Gosling of course.

So what does this have to do with #3? Answer: Dead Man's Bones. Ryan Gosling and pal Zach Shields put together a little music project in between his acting career. And not only a music project, but a concept album. The concept? The supernatural. Now assuming they're at least marginally talented, what could make this any better? Answer: Using a huge children's choir with kids ages 5-17 as your backups. Yup. Awesome. I know.

So check them out. Let me know what you think. Thank Seth for the tip.

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