Friday, October 03, 2008


This year is different. For the first time in my life I really feel excited and passionate about an election. I made it a priority to watch the first presidential debate, as well as the vice-presidential debate last night. This is something I've not done before. Four years ago I would have changed the channel when I turned on NBC expecting The Office, only to find "boring news."

Perhaps this is the case because this year I am different, as are those around me. Four years ago my little brother wasn't driving trucks for the National Guard in Iraq. Four years ago I was certain homosexuality and abortion were the two most decisive issues in my political decision making process. Four years ago I was a student, and really couldn't care less about our nation's economy as I lived in my college bubble taking loans to fund my education. Four years ago I wasn't a youth pastor working in the lives of students wanting to know how Christians should act regarding the war, gay marriage, immigration, etc.

Yeah, this year I am different.

I think the thing that is most different however, is my idea of who God is and what his will for his creation looks like.

These past four years I’ve become more convinced that God is less concerned about rising oil prices and more concerned about young Iraqi and American, men and women, killing each other.

These past four years I’ve become more convinced that God is less concerned about a person’s sexual orientation, and more about making sure the rest of us love that person unconditionally and without limit, as Christ loves the Church.

These past four years I’ve become more convinced that America hasn’t the faintest clue what humility is. I wonder what it would be like to not be the first to speak (praise or condemnation), but to wait and listen to the ideas of those around us instead of assuming our answer is the only correct one.

These past four years I’ve become more convinced that forgiveness is a lost art. It’s suitable for children learning to play well with others and for “churchy people” but too old fashioned or illogical to ever factor into national security or foreign relations.

So what to do? I have no answers. I guess I’m not really sure if any of the candidates do either. I seem to find what I think are biblical ideals in each candidate. The thing is, I also find things I feel are unbiblical.

So where do I go from there? I pray. And I vote. I pray that God would be glorified regardless of who sits on the earthly throne at the White House. And I pray that God would draw the heart our our president closer and closer to Himself. And then I vote. I vote for the person whom I believe reflects the most Christlike world view, even if that candidate isn’t aware that is what he’s doing.

Yeah, this year is different. But so is the world. And its my hope that this next year will be even more different, if only because of a uniquely God shaped imprint upon it.


::athada:: said...

This was a great post. Esp. ¨whether he or she knows it or not¨. I´m looking for the person who can lead best - to adminster GOd´s common grace through the political system, not who is photographed praying more or can speak the churchy language.

I know people always says this through the internet, but I need to visit. We are coming up to Michigan Oct. 24 (prob.) and I´d love to make a stop in Ft Wayne if you´re free. Don´t let me forget.

Vicki said...

I too have changed in my world view in the last few years. More things seem gray to me now but Christ's love for all stands out as a light brighter than ever. I have learned so much from you and your soft grace to mankind. It is an honor to call you son.

Our times together are always special memories forever.

Sarah (Dainsberg) Gurley said...

Great post, Marc. After living in Asia for over a year, my perception of the good ole' USA has changed drastically. The humility factor is so huge. I work with people from all over the world and there's just something about the Americans that seems almost arrogant. I pray that the Lord teaches us all humility and how to open our eyes to the world around us. I've learned more from the people in the places I've traveled here than I could have imagined.

Side note, hope you and Chelsea are doing well. Keep in touch!

Unknown said...

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