Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Starbucks Instant

Fellow Coffee Drinkers,

If you're anything like me you'd never drink instant coffee if a fresh cup was available instead. I've really only consumed instant crystals once or twice, and both times found myself in a "choke it down" type of situation.

Well there is soon to be a new option for those too busy and needing coffee on the fly. Welcome....Starbucks VIA Ready Brew.

I really have no idea how this will distance itself from the competition, but it's coming from Starbucks so I have high expectations.

Check out the Starbucks store website and pre-order yourself a free sample here...

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew


::athada:: said...

no way, sir. 10 minutes to wait in the morning is a small price to pay for fully brewed perfection. my only beef is that it doesn't stay hot in my mug... ever... argh!

and if you use alarm clocks, my maker even has an auto timer so you can have that "wake up and smell the Folgers" experience.

Marc Buwalda said...

I doubt i'll convert either, but thought it was worth passing along at least for a free sample.

talk to you friday.

Stranger Passing said...

You'll both convert really fast.

Marc, I just watched David after Dentist-- funniest thing I've seen in a while, I laughed out loud.

Also-- How's A Man In Full coming? Have you gotten to the stable scene yet? Brilliant.

Jarrie said...

I can't change. Am too much a traditionalist and enjoy the experience of picking out which type of coffee for the week (Starbucks Sumatra is my current) grinding the beans, smelling the coffee as it brews and even listening to the sounds my machine makes...I think I'll go have some now...

Bethany said...

interesting. I need something good to take to Honduras with me...they dont drin kas much coffee as one would think.