Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers

Does our faith in Christ strengthen or divide the relationships that surround our daily lives? I'm not referring to the relationships we value and protect, but the relationships we share with the random people we cross paths with. The relationships that we choose to pursue, or walk on the other side of the street to avoid.

Obviously we'd hope it strengthens them through love, patience, kindness, and all those other good things that come along with following Jesus. If this is the case however, why is there such a distrust of many Christians and Christian organizations? Why don't hurting people go to the church? Where do these feelings come from and more importantly, how can we combat those (mis?)conceptions?

I came across a group today that seems to be doing that very thing; acting like Christ in every sense of the word. Check it out here. Warning; could be convicting.

1 comment:

::athada:: said...

thanks for posting the video. the more we can move towards humanizing and honoring "the other" - the better. reminds me of a group in India who does hairstyling and make-up for women before they go prostituting. controversial, for sure, but humanizing I think.